
February 3, 2021

Key Republican Lessons for Biden’s Global Agenda

Foreign Policy | Five former officials from the Trump and George W. Bush administrations share their foreign-policy advice for the new team.....
February 1, 2021

NATO Must Adapt for a Dangerous New Era

Internationale Politik Quarterly | The North Atlantic Alliance has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to make much-needed changes and reinvent itself as the central strategic platform for transatlantic cooperation...
January 26, 2021

America Can Defend Taiwan

Wall Street Journal | The Biden administration faces a stark reality: Over the next four years it’s possible that China will try to take Taiwan.....
December 16, 2020

Two Possible Futures An outlook on EU-US relations

Köerber Stiftung |Things will not go back to the way they were before 2016. Regardless of how one thinks Donald Trump handled the relationship with Europe and with....
November 25, 2020

NATO 2030: United for a New Era

NATO | At the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Meeting of Heads of State and Government in London in December 2019, Alliance leaders asked the NATO Secretary General...
October 7, 2020

Why The Pentagon Should Focus On Taiwan

War On the Rocks |China is now the official “pacing threat” for the U.S. armed forces. Simply put, the Pentagon considers the People’s Liberation Army its most serious competition. ....
October 1, 2020

A View from the United States: Unwilling to Let “the End of History” Go

ZeitenwendeWendezeiten | From the US perspective, the era of “the end of history” is over. America is internalizing that and increasingly determined to concentrate on great power competition....
October 1, 2020

A New Bargain

Internationale Politik | The rapid rise of China is inevitably forcing a major shift in the US-European relationship. It is time for both sides to root the transatlantic bond in shared interests, rather than often ill-defined values. Fortunately, such a basis exists.....
September 30, 2020

How to Trim the Defense Budget Without Harming U.S. Security

Foreign Policy | As the COVID-19 pandemic drags on and its economic toll grows, politicians and observers on both sides of the U.S. political divide have called for cuts to the national security budget in order to free up funds for more pressing items...
September 14, 2020

Strategic Sequencing: How Great Powers Avoid Multi-Front War

The Marathon Initiative | This paper examines how four great powers in history have handled simultaneity…...