
March 21, 2023

The Correct Conservative Approach to Ukraine Shifts the Focus to China

TIME | The war in Ukraine has now entered its second year—but President Joe Biden has yet to articulate a credible strategy.......
March 16, 2023

In Iraq, Foreseeable Costs Outweighed Likely Benefits

National Review | The Iraq War was a great, historic error. Stating this bluntly is not a mere matter of antiquarian interest or settling scores....
March 11, 2023

The real and acute threat of a Sino-US conflict over Taiwan

Hindustan Times | India should worry a great deal about a Sino-United States (US) war over Taiwan. To be fair, why it should is not necessarily obvious. After all, the Western Pacific is far from India.......
February 28, 2023

A Strategy of Denial for the Western Pacific

U.S. Naval Institute | China aspires to dominate the Indo-Pacific region—the impact of which would dramatically undermine Americans’ security, freedom, and prosperity. The only workable strategy is to deny China this goal. The naval services will play a central role.....
February 24, 2023

One year of war in Ukraine: six experts predict what will happen next

The Spectator | As the war in Ukraine enters its second year, today seems as a good time as any to reflect on its first, and see what the future might hold. Six foreign policy experts from across the spectrum of opinion offered their thoughts to The Spectator.....
February 18, 2023

Bridging the Gap: Priorities for Transatlantic China Policy

Munich Security Conference | ASG, MERICS, and MSC decided to review the state of play and produced an update with the support of members of the reflection group as a contribution to the 2023 Munich Security Conference — “Bridging the Gap.”....
February 1, 2023

Resourcing the Strategy of Denial: Optimizing the Defense Budget in Three Alternative Futures

The Marathon Initiative | This study identifies the priority military forces and capabilities for the strategy of denial, identifies what extant forces and capabilities could be de-prioritized, and simulates three defense budgets under this rubric over the five-year defense planning period known as the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP)..…......
November 9, 2022

How America can save Taiwan

UnHerd | Current US policy is setting Washington up for a major crisis with its allies, especially in Europe...
November 1, 2022

Sharing the Load: Developing Better Strategies for Burden Sharing

The Marathon Initiative | The purpose of this study is to provide a strategic framework which the United States can use to lead to better burden sharing outcomes, in turn driving greater and more aligned efforts by Washington’s allies and partners.…......
October 11, 2022

Why Protecting Taiwan Really Matters to the U.S.

TIME | Why is it worthwhile for Americans to defend Taiwan? In very concrete terms, what’s in it for us? At this point, there is widespread agreement among Americans that China is a major threat and that U.S. policy needs to address it. At the same time, though, most Americans are rightly opposed to the forever wars of the past two decades and skeptical of more military interventions....