
May 9, 2021

Asia is US Priority: Europe Has to be Ready to Defend Itself Alone

Klub Jagielloński | What the US wants is a sustainable, favorable balance of power, particularly in Asia, because that’s where half of global GDP and the future is.
April 25, 2021

Interests, Not Values, Should Guide America’s China Strategy

The National Interest |It is now widely accepted that the United States is in a great power competition with China, and that allies and partners are pivotal in this struggle....
March 31, 2021

Biden Team’s Embrace of Europe Falls Short on Content

Foreign Policy | U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s inaugural trip to Europe last week is being hailed as a soothing restoration of the trans-Atlantic alliance....
March 23, 2021

NATO: India’s Next Geopolitical Destination

Hindustan Times | When the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) leaders meet later this year, they will debate the recommendations from a group of experts (which I co-chaired) that advocates, among other things...
March 22, 2021

The State of (Deterrence By) Denial

War on the Rocks | America should act now to strengthen its Western Pacific forward posture. Neglecting it further raises the risk of war — and defeat....
March 21, 2021

Biden’s Global, Muscular Liberalism is an Indefensible Foreign Policy in 2021

The Washington Post | The central theme of President Biden’s foreign policy is a global, muscular liberalism. Ensuring that democracy “will and must prevail,” Biden told the Munich Security Conference, is “our galvanizing mission....
March 18, 2021

Japan Must Urgently Increase Defense Spending

Nikkei Asia | Japan needs to spend a lot more on defense. Though relations between Tokyo and Washington are very solid, the simple fact is that America cannot and, if pressed, very likely will not balance China effectively alone. ...
March 7, 2021

For the Philippines, sticking with America is a better, safe play

Manila Standard | It is now clear to all that the major factor in international politics will be the US-China competition, in Asia more than anywhere else.....
February 23, 2021

NATO Needs to Deal With China Head-On

Foreign Policy | The Western alliance is unprepared to counter the direct and growing challenge from Beijing....
February 19, 2021

We Must Prepare for Military Threats from North Korea And China

Hankook Ilbo | For decades, South Korea and US forces in Korea have prioritized only the North Korean threat. Only North Korea has posed a real and direct threat to South Korea. But in 10 years or earlier, the change will begin......