
April 4, 2022

Elbridge Colby Quoted in Seapower Magazine

Seapower Magazine | The U.S. Defense Department will continue to have a priority focus on China despite the global military community’s recent attention to the war in Ukraine, said Elbridge “Bridge” Colby, a former U.S. deputy assistant secretary of defense for strategy and force development, in a one-on-one April 4 discussion with U.S. Marine Corps Brig. Gen. Sean Salene..............
April 1, 2022

Elbridge Colby Interviewed at Cambridge Center for Geopolitics

Cambridge Centre for Geopolitics | Elbridge A. Colby discusses his new book ‘The Strategy of Denial: American Defense in an Age of Great Power Conflict’ in conversation with Helen Thompson, Professor of Political Economy at the University of Cambridge.............
February 4, 2022

Elbridge Colby Interviewed on Formiche

Formiche | Giovedì 10 febbraio, alle h. 15.00 LIVE su e sulla pagina Facebook di Formiche, la presentazione di “The Strategy of Denial” (Yale University Press), l’ultimo libro di Elbridge Colby, analista americano e presidente della Marathon Initiative, già sottosegretario alla Difesa dell’amministrazione Trump e tra i più noti strateghi americani........
January 27, 2022

Webinar: Global Strategy Forum – Elbridge Colby

Global Strategy Forum | GSF January 2022 webinar with Elbridge A. Colby, Co-founder & Principal of The Marathon Initiative; US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy & Force Development (2017-2018); and Gideon Rachman, Chief Foreign Affairs Commentator, The Financial Times....
January 20, 2022

Panel: American Enterprise Institute – Elbridge Colby

American Enterprise Institute | After years of the US “pivoting to Asia,” there is bipartisan consensus that China is one of — if not the — major threats to US stability and prosperity. But concerted action from the Pentagon that matches the gravity of this threat is lacking. .....
January 12, 2022

Panel: Council on Geostrategy – Elbridge Colby

Council on Geostrategy | The rise of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the surrounding Indo-Pacific region has altered the global balance of power.....
December 16, 2021

Panel: Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress – Elbridge Colby

Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress | After 20 years of counterinsurgency and low-intensity warfare, the United States finds itself pivoting towards Asia and engaging in Strategic Competition with China......
December 7, 2021

Panel: World Affairs Council of America – Elbridge Colby

World Affairs Councils of America | Elbridge Colby appears on the RNDF 2021 panel: Pacing the Threat in the Pacific: How Should the New National Defense Strategy Contend with China?.....
December 6, 2021

Panel: Reagan National Defense Forum – Elbridge Colby

The Reagan Institute | Elbridge Colby appears on the RNDF 2021 panel: Pacing the Threat in the Pacific: How Should the New National Defense Strategy Contend with China?.....
November 20, 2021

Keynote: Baltimore Council on Foreign Affairs – Elbridge Colby

Baltimore Council on Foreign Affairs | The Baltimore Council on Foreign Affairs was founded in 1980 by broadly representative and distinguished community leaders and is dedicated to educating citizens about foreign affairs.......