Seapower Magazine | The U.S. Defense Department will continue to have a priority focus on China despite the global military community’s recent attention to the war in Ukraine, said Elbridge “Bridge” Colby, a former U.S. deputy assistant secretary of defense for strategy and force development, in a one-on-one April 4 discussion with U.S. Marine Corps Brig. Gen. Sean Salene..............
Cambridge Centre for Geopolitics | Elbridge A. Colby discusses his new book ‘The Strategy of Denial: American Defense in an Age of Great Power Conflict’ in conversation with Helen Thompson, Professor of Political Economy at the University of Cambridge.............
Formiche | Giovedì 10 febbraio, alle h. 15.00 LIVE su e sulla pagina Facebook di Formiche, la presentazione di “The Strategy of Denial” (Yale University Press), l’ultimo libro di Elbridge Colby, analista americano e presidente della Marathon Initiative, già sottosegretario alla Difesa dell’amministrazione Trump e tra i più noti strateghi americani........
Global Strategy Forum | GSF January 2022 webinar with Elbridge A. Colby, Co-founder & Principal of The Marathon Initiative; US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy & Force Development (2017-2018); and Gideon Rachman, Chief Foreign Affairs Commentator, The Financial Times....
American Enterprise Institute | After years of the US “pivoting to Asia,” there is bipartisan consensus that China is one of — if not the — major threats to US stability and prosperity. But concerted action from the Pentagon that matches the gravity of this threat is lacking. .....
Council on Geostrategy | The rise of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the surrounding Indo-Pacific region has altered the global balance of power.....
Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress | After 20 years of counterinsurgency and low-intensity warfare, the United States finds itself pivoting towards Asia and engaging in Strategic Competition with China......
World Affairs Councils of America | Elbridge Colby appears on the RNDF 2021 panel: Pacing the Threat in the Pacific: How Should the New National Defense Strategy Contend with China?.....
The Reagan Institute | Elbridge Colby appears on the RNDF 2021 panel: Pacing the Threat in the Pacific: How Should the New National Defense Strategy Contend with China?.....
Baltimore Council on Foreign Affairs | The Baltimore Council on Foreign Affairs was founded in 1980 by broadly representative and distinguished community leaders and is dedicated to educating citizens about foreign affairs.......