Media Interview: Chosun Ilbo

May 27, 2024

아시안리더십콘퍼런스(ALC) 참여를 위해 방한한 엘브릿지 콜비 전 미국 국방부 전략·전력개발 담당 부차관보는 21일 본지와의 인터뷰에서 “한국의 핵무장에 대해 진지한 논의를 시작해야 할 때가 됐다”며 “북한이 비핵화에 나설 가능성이 없기 때문에 한국 스스로 (북핵 위협에 대응할) 준비가 돼 있어야 한다”고 했다. // Elbridge Colby, former U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Force Development, who visited Korea to participate in the Asian Leadership Conference (ALC), said in an interview with this newspaper on the 21st, “It is time to start serious discussions about South Korea’s nuclear armament,” and “North Korea “Since there is no possibility of denuclearization, South Korea must be prepared (to respond to the North Korean nuclear threat) on its own,” he said.

Chosun Ilbo

Elbridge Colby is co-founder and principal of The Marathon Initiative, a policy initiative focused on developing strategies to prepare the United States for an era of sustained great power competition.