Media Interview: The Midrats Podcast

December 8, 2023

With a few exceptions on the sidelines by Japan and France, what has been clearly apparent in the last two months has been the absence of the International Community’s presence in the Red Sea to enforce the International Order everyone seems to consider of utmost importance to the economic system that gives us the standard of living the globe is accustomed to? Once again, it is the U.S. Navy that seems to be the force of choice, or the only real option to do the bare minimum to keep lawlessness at sea at bay. Is this sustainable when we have allies closer to the threat with equally deployable assets? The U.S. and her Navy have larger concerns much closer to its core national interests that are already under resourced. Our guest today to dive in to this and related issues is Elbridge Colby, Principal at the Marathon Initiative. Former Pentagon, 2018 National Defense Strategy player and author of Strategy of Denial.”

Midrats Podcast

Elbridge Colby is co-founder and principal of The Marathon Initiative, a policy initiative focused on developing strategies to prepare the United States for an era of sustained great power competition.