How to respond to the “crustal changes” caused by the U.S. and China, the bridged role required for Japan” // 米中が引き起こす「地殻変動」にどう対応 日本に求められる橋渡し役

June 15, 2023

However, at the “Asian Security Conference (Changri-La Dialogue)” held in Singapore on the 2nd to 4th, the U.M. and China insisted that “dialogue is necessary”, but finally the U.C.-China defense ministers’ meeting was not realized. This shows the seriousness of the U.S.-China confrontation.” // しかし、2~4日にシンガポールで開かれた「アジア安全保障会議シャングリラ・ダイアローグ)」では米中双方が「対話が必要」と主張しながら、ついに米中国防相会談が実現しなかった。これは米中対立の深刻さを物語っている。


Elbridge Colby is co-founder and principal of The Marathon Initiative, a policy initiative focused on developing strategies to prepare the United States for an era of sustained great power competition.